Paola Allamano, co-founder and CEO of WaterView, announces the start of the strategic partnership with Autostrade per l’Italia: “We have defined,” she explains, “a framework contract that consists of several aspects, primarily the collaboration we will offer for weather monitoring using existing camera circuits. Autostrade will expand this scope by bringing our EIA component not only on the fixed camera network but also on board vehicles. The first project phase will also be defined six-handedly with Eurotech, the industrial partner and other historical suppliers of Waterview. The in-vehicle monitoring will cover not only the road and visibility conditions but, through multifunctional sensors, also the infrastructural part, and in particular the condition of bridge joints: this is a function developed ad hoc by Waterview for Autostrade. In addition, monitoring of construction sites and the compliance of their signage will be carried out, combined with monitoring of environmental conditions. ”

It is – to all intents and purposes – an important addendum to WaterView’s business: “The objective,” Allamano continues, “is to go on their road fleet, the iconic vans with arrows and flags, to monitor the entire network on an almost daily basis and with a system that processes ‘on the edge’, on the on-board computer, and sends all anomaly reports to the centre. The project has just started and has a value – this year alone – of about EUR 650,000 and includes a development component for 2023, as well as a maintenance plan until 2026. I was positively impressed,‘ he concludes, ‘by the great attention and receptiveness towards us by the Chief Data Officer of Autostrade.”