Categoria: Healthcare


Cantieri Digitali Medtech srl was founded in July 2020 and operational from January 2021, with the aim of creating a decentralised hospital using innovative technologies to provide high quality healthcare to all individuals, regardless of their location or socio-economic status.

Medicilio’s mission can be summarised as follows:

  • to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to all individuals, regardless of their location or socio-economic status
  • to empower patients by giving them control over their own health data and sharing it with the doctor of their choice
  • to leverage the power of decentralization to create a transparent and secure healthcare ecosystem that protects patient privacy and data
  • promote a culture of learning and continuous improvement to provide the highest quality healthcare to patients.

Medicilio brings medicine into patient’s home, building modular software to connect patients, healthcare providers, partners, regions, physicians and suppliers in order to deliver home medical services efficiently.

In a context where the National Health System struggles to efficiently manage the flow of examinations and specialist visits, there is a clear need for digital transformation.
E-health and smart healthcare are two fundamental components of the transformation process that today involves the healthcare sector at European, national, regional and local level. The objective of the new measures adopted by the Italian healthcare system is the diffusion of e-health as a customary tool for operators, patients and citizens, in order to improve the quality of care and the productivity of the healthcare sector.

Medicilio was able to generate recurring revenues in just under a year and a half from the start of operations. If one considers that only Lombardy can provide all the services and that, despite excellent collaborations with important partners (San Raffaele and Humanitas in primis), most of the revenues are still related to B2C, it is easy to assume that geographic scalability can have a considerable growth.


LIFTT Investment

In portfolio: Q1 2023
Venture phase: Start-up

LIFTT Project Manager