Category: Deep Tech


The transformations taking place in the energy, automotive, logistics, manufacturing, construction and other sectors, combined with the evolving innovations of Industry 4.0, are driving demand for new materials.

Zenit is an Italian company.

Zenit is a spin-off of CNR ISTEC, born within the Faenza ceramic district. After 10 years of research, the start-up has taken a cue from the territory’s extraordinary expertise in the production of ceramic materials, patenting a process that uses 3D printing to create transparent components with variable composition in three dimensions. The resulting polycrystal, with its superior performance and lower costs, outperforms the dominant monocrystal technology for the production of laser sources.

Zenit polycrystals are designed to dissipate heat, thus minimizing thermal gradients and deformation of the resulting crystal. This makes it possible to drastically reduce production costs and, thanks to the variable chemical composition, to optimize the laser source on the basis of the desired application.

The reference market is very large and constantly growing: the technology is widely used in mechanical machining, medical applications, military scientific research and measuring instruments. Zenit also offers polycrystals for the market of scintillation detectors and the emerging market of laser headlights for automobiles.


LIFTT Investment

In portfolio: Q4 2021
Venture phase: PoC

LIFTT Project Manager